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Meet Kate Higdon

It's gonna be OK!


 About Kate

It was time to make a change....

In September of 2016 I found myself 41-years-old, exhausted, overweight, moody and just existing through life.


As a mom... I was just watching my kids grow up.  I didn't have the energy to really participate in their lives.

As a wife... I was quick to trigger, impatient and not the partner my husband deserved.

As a photographer and business owner... my creativity was spent, I couldn't make it through sessions, and I couldn't focus to get simple tasks completed.



Something needed to change!  I couldn't accept the fact that my life had peaked.  I knew that if I could just find the right energy, everything could shift.


October, 2016 I began a health journey that would not only change my body but also my family.


No more taking naps, no more looking forward to sleeping in, no more failed diets, no more feeling like food ruled my life, no more waking up in the middle of the night wrought with worry and no more living in a fog.


Once my body and brain was given a premium fuel... everything began to shift.  I discovered the power of mindset.


This mindset shift empowered me and led me on a path I never imagined.  A path of inspiration, coaching (health and business) and truly finding JOY!


Soon after starting this health journey, I was going to have to stop.  After 8 years of being sick, we were in severe medical debt that put us in foreclosure and not $5 left on a credit card.  As a Mama, you don't pay for yourself to have supplements when you don't know how you are gonna buy Christmas gifts.


I was again, up at night... not because of issues with my brain but because I was so stressed out wondering how we would pay our bills and keep our head above water.  HOWEVER... my health had changed and in walks MY Mama!  Visiting from Iowa, she took my face in her hands and said "Listen Little Sister, you cannot stop drinking this.  You are so much healthier and it warms my heart to see you truly living life.  I know what this business model is, you are gonna start sharing this with others and that's gonna change their life which will in turn change yours.


So December 15, 2016 I joined the business side of this product and not only pulled our home out of foreclosure but now travel the world, pay for my kids' college educations and money doesn't control me.  


Now... I not only coach people to use a transformational product but also help people transform their finances too, giving families flexibility and peace.


This life is not about perfection...  Perfection is a destination that does not exist.  It's about finding YOU.  Your most authentic self and stepping into it.   


First and foremost... get your body and brain healthy!  Feed it what it needs and craves.


Second.... begin the mindset shift.  Stop reacting to life and start creating the life you have always wanted.  Trade your expectation in for some appreciation and let the energy flow.  You are more powerful than you can even imagine.


and embrace the motto... It's gonna be OK.

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Building a Strong Mindset


Creating a Healthy Body

Client Experiences

What They’re Saying

Kate has helped me change my entire family's future by being able to be present with my family now physically & emotionally.  Improving my health has undoubtedly given me more time with my family as well.  After losing 117 pounds and seeing old pictures of myself I realized I don't know why I didn't just take that little step sooner.  I now have the mindset that I can do anything! I am forever grateful for her willingness to give myself and my family the gift of life. but so much more!

Kevin Lowe, Elementary School Principal

Working with Kate as my mentor has been life-changing.  Not only has she helped me to change the state of my physical health, but my mindset as well.  She walked by my side the whole time and showed me how to best optimize my habits to give me my best lifestyle.  I'll be forever grateful for her help in giving me back my life.

Mindy Miller, Psychotherapist

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