If you are eating carnivore or low carb, save this recipe.
Who knew you could make a Carnivore Pancake? This super simple recipe was a great addition to the weekend for my husband and me.
The only ingredients are eggs and cream cheese.
We have been low carb for years and like to transition to carnivore a few times a year. We just feel so much better eating a meat based diet.
No inflammation, great energy and mental focus and it’s awesome for a metabolism reset.
There are several types of Carnivore. What works best for us is the Classic Style which allows for dairy, coffee and spices.
If you want something to top your pancakes, there are some people who allow for honey which is a great natural option.
If you are looking to start the Carnivore Lifestyle, stay tuned as the next 30 days will all be Carnivore recipes and tips.
4 eggs
4 oz cream cheese
Cook in butter
Makes approximately 10 thin pancakes