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Carnivore Pizza Crust


Carnivore Pizza sounds like an oxymoron but this recipe made it completely possible.

Only 2 things I would change on this is to make it better. I would use ground chicken instead of turkey.  The turkey just had a flavor that was too detectable.

I would also use butter instead of ghee for better flavor.

After using a food processer to mix ingredients, pour into a bowl and stir in ground pork rinds.

Place on parchment paper and spread into a pizza crust shape.

Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes.

Once done, just put your favorite carnivore pizza toppings on it and bake another 5-7 minutes and it’s ready to serve.


Crust Ingredients:

1 lb ground turkey (or chicken)

3 eggs

1 cup ground pork rinds

1 tbsp ghee or butter

¼ tsp salt

1 tbsp Italian seasoning (optional if you are strict carnivore)



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